Vehicle Investigation

Carrying out a mechanical vehicle inspection allows us to be determine the before and after of the impact of a vehicle. This is essential in enabling us to identify whether the vehicle may have

encountered any factors contributory to an incident.

A detailed inspection can also identify evidence of driver actions that may have been contributory to a collision, such as application of the brakes, lights or accelerator.

Our team have experience of all vehicle types, including:

  • On-road vehicled cars
  • Public service vehicles and goods vehicles of all sizes

The mechanical failure of a vehicle component can have

substantial consequences. A sudden loss of vehicle steering or braking due to a component failure, when combined with other factors, can lead to the vehicle being involved in a collision.

Our experts are trained and experienced in examining vehicle components to determine whether there was a failure and, if so, whether that failure was due to general wear and tear or to lack of maintenance.